HomeLatest NewsAlarming rise in HR violations in IIOJK since Aug 2019

Alarming rise in HR violations in IIOJK since Aug 2019

Pakistan to continue raising voice against human rights violations in IIOJK

SRINAGAR: Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has witnessed a staggering increase in human rights violations by the Indian troops since the illegal revocation of Article 370 in August 2019.

According to a report, at least 867 Kashmiris have been martyred, over 2,400 injured, and a staggering 23,415 arrested since the revocation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019 till date. During the period, the report added, the Indian forces’ personnel destroyed 1,116 structures during violent military operations across the length and breadth of the territory.

The report said that BJP-led Indian government’s August 5, 2019 actions were in brazen violations of the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The report said that the Modi regime was using draconian measures to stifle the voice of freedom in Kashmir, including the use of probe agencies to terrorize and repress the Kashmiris. “The presence of nearly one million Indian troops has made IIOJK the most militarized zone in the world, with India openly violating international laws by committing gross human rights violations” it said.

The report highlights that the human rights violations in IIOJK are directly connected to the decades-old unresolved Kashmir dispute, adding that despite international calls to probe rights violations, India has disregarded the pleas, leading to a worsening situation.

The report demands immediate action to protect the rights of the Kashmiris and resolve the long-standing Kashmir dispute.

“The world cannot continue to ignore the suffering of the Kashmiri people,” said the report. “It is time for the international community to break its silence and take concrete steps to address the human rights crisis in IIOJK and work towards a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir dispute.”

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